Conference Day Two

Thursday 25 February 2016

Click here for Day One

Click here for Pre-Conference Learning Session

08:30 | Welcome coffee

08:50 | Opening remarks from the Chair

Paul Chandley, Principal Digital Strategist, Service Strategy Reform, Department of Justice & Regulation, Victorian Goverment

Laying the foundations for an egovernment ecosystem

09:00 | INTERNATIONAL KEYNOTE: Estonia’s X-Road: How a nation redesigned its entire information infrastructure from the ground up with openness, privacy, security and future proofing in mind

  • Creating the backbone of a paperless government that enables truly integrated e-services
  • Applying design thinking during the planning stage to create solutions that are not only innovative but viable, fit for purpose and desirable to use
  • Future proofing for the growth of e-services and their various platforms
  • Ensuring security for digital continuity

Uuno VallnerSenior Expert, e-Governance Academy and former Director eGovernment, Government of Estonia

09:30 | Enabling the technological capacity for government agencies and enterprises to begin their transformation and create new business value

Gavin Jones, Managing Director, Australia and New Zealand, Pivotal Inc.

09:50 | PANEL DISCUSSION: Challenges, issues and complexities involving the implementation of transformational government

  • What can policy makers do to spur effective and more open, innovative and participatory governments?
  • Centralised vs. de-centralised – which way for e-governance strategies?
  • Cooperation, coordination and communication – best practices in orchestrating e-governance
  • How to ensure coherent use of digital technologies across policy areas and levels of government
  • Can cyber security make or “brake” a successful e-society?

Panel Moderator:
Paul Chandley, Principal Digital Strategist, Service Strategy Reform, Department of Justice & Regulation, Victorian Goverment
Uuno Vallner, Senior Expert, e-Governance Academy and former Director eGovernment, Government of Estonia
Yoonkee Chung, Director General of the e-Government Bureau, Ministry of the Interior (MOI) Republic of Korea
Charles McHardie, Chief Technology Officer, Department of Human Services

10:30 | Morning tea

Launching a digital identity for government to achieve a central access point for citizen information

11:00 | INTERNATIONAL KEYNOTE: RealMe – enabling digital identity and privacy in a connected world

In 2013 New Zealand launched its igovt identity verification service, RealMe, operated by the Department of Internal Affairs and New Zealand Post, to make it easier for citizens and organisations to get things done online. Today, it is used in 63 services across 21 organisations, and has created 2.11 million accounts, 66,330 verified identities and 34.8 million transactions.

  • Digital identity and trusted information as a key enabler of New Zealand’s digital economy
  • Addressing the challenges of creating trust
  • Where do customers want to use digital identity?
  • Identifying the business opportunities - how collaboration between digital identity and payments improves both customer experience and security of payment transactions

Mandy Smith, Head of Agency Services and RealMe, New Zealand Post Group

11:30 | Future-Proofing Service Delivery with Whole-of-Government IAM

  • The digital identity ecosystem in government today
  • Getting digital service IAM (mostly) right - the Unique Student Identifier case study
  • The uncertain future of digital identity in Australia, and how to prepare for it

Ben Bildstein, Manager, VANguard Product Development, Department of Industry, Innovation and Science

12:00 | INNOVATION AT WORK: Deploying voice biometrics to build stronger customer relationships with taxpayers

  • How voice biometrics is boosting call completion rates, streamlining operations and improving security for customers using the ATO contact centre
  • Quantifying the impact on the bottom line – the cost of PINs, passwords, and security questions
  • Measuring the impact on customer experience

John DardoAssitant Commissioner Digital Strategy & Design, Australian Taxation Office

12:30 | Networking lunch

13:30 | PANEL DISCUSSION: Security without borders - taming the cloud and mobile frontier

  • How can we integrate the work agencies are doing with digital identity across jurisdictions?
  • How is the digital identity framework being impacted by the IoT?
  • How are massive platforms and massive scale bringing massive identity challenges?
  • Bridging the digital divide through digital identity - how technology advances are being harnessed to better connect with the socially disadvantaged and excluded groups

Panel Moderator:
Paul Chandley, Principal Digital Strategist, Service Strategy Reform, Department of Justice & Regulation, Victorian Goverment

John Dardo, Assitant Commissioner Digital Strategy & Design, Australian Taxation Office
Allan Henn, Director, OneGov, NSW Department of Finance, Services and Innovation
Cameron Gough, General Manager, Digital Delivery Centre, Trusted eCommerce Solutions, Australia Post
Mandy Smith, Head of Agency Services and RealMe, New Zealand Post Group
Jacob Suidgeest, Director, Regulation & Strategy, Officer of the Australian Information Commissioner

Leveraging technology to improve experience and engagement with citizens and stakeholders

14:10 | The acceleration of the Internet of Everything and how it's enabling a connected government

  • What is IoT and what does it mean for the public sector?
  • How to generate value (and reduce risk) in a highly connected world
  • What government departments and agencies can do now to better position themselves for IoT technology
  • Case study: How Scancam Industries is tackling the global fuel theft problem

Anthony Schmidt, Co-Founder, Scancam Industries
Joshua Boys,
Director, Ignia

14:30 | MOBILE IN ACTION: Building a technologically smarter city providing more digital services to the community

  • Designing and building location-based real-time mobile applications for government services
  • Performance and security considerations
  • Selecting your mobile application delivery infrastructure
  • Integrating the mobile applications with government systems

Karl Alderson, Deputy Director-General Policy and Cabinet, ACT Government

15:00 | Afternoon tea

15:30 | SOCIAL MEDIA IN ACTION: Citizen engagement: using digital to increase your relevance in a crowded marketplace

  • Implementing effective digital strategies to engage with the public online
  • How to foster support for digital citizen engagement strategies through increasing both employee and management participation
  • How 'Party for Your Rights' gamified consumer rights to engage a youth audience
  • Successfully integrating social media and apps into communications

Roz HoweGeneral Manager Education & Online Services at Consumer Affairs Victoria, Department of Justice
Fiona Symmons, Strategic Planning Manager, Education and Online Services, Consumer Affairs Victoria

16:00 | Moving from digital transition to digital continuity - what organisations need to do to ensure a sustainable digital framework

  • What standards should government entities ensure are embedded in their IT systems to protect the data?
  • Developing the automated workflows for digital decision making
  • Making data and metadata interoperable across government
  • Governance and building the information and records management capabilities in each agency

Anne Lyons, Assistant Director-General, Government Information Assurance and Policy, National Archives of Australia

16:30 | THOUGHT LEADERSHIP: Overcoming the fear of failure and promoting a ‘fail fast, fail cheaply’ culture - living the Innovation Program at AMP

  • Deploying alphas and betas and building minimum viable product rather than perfect solutions
  • How large organisations are shifting to building internal design capabilities
  • How to rigorously develop new ideas into prototypes and a portfolio of minimum viable offers (MVOs) that allow for speed-to-market, mitigate risk, protect the idea’s integrity, and convert to scale to drive results in the market
  • Designing a framework for building and running an innovation implementation engine

Marek Kowalkiewicz, PwC Chair in Digital Economy, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane Marketing, and Queensland Department of Science, IT and Innovation

17:00 | Closing remarks from Chair and drawing of the lucky door prize!

17:10 | End of Day Two and close of conference

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