Who should sponsor The Australian Business Productivity and Innovation Summit 2015 

Who should sponsor or exhibit?

You, if you have products, solutions or services that can help Australian companies increase their productivity, process improvement, organisational performance and competitiveness.

Delegates at the Australian Business Productivity and Innovation Summit 2015 will have a strong interest in meeting with and learning from organisations offering products and services which assist them in identifying opportunities for process and productivity improvement.

Why you need to sponsor

This Summit will see senior business, process improvement and technology managers from Australia’s largest companies, government organisations and SMEs meeting in Sydney in February to learn about the latest innovations and best practice strategies that will help them improve the performance of their organisations.

In developing the program and inviting speakers to this event we are researching extensively with business stakeholders about their challenges. We are designing the agenda in response to the specific challenges they face. By sponsoring this event you will be meeting decision makers attending the event that are looking for new ideas and solutions to their productivity and competition challenges.

A range of sponsorship and exhibition opportunities will be available at the summit for companies offering technologies and services in productivity, innovation, organisational performance, competitiveness and process improvement.

8 critical challenges businesses are seeking 
solutions to:

In developing the summit agenda, we have carried out extensive research with strategy, process improvement and technology managers around the critical challenges to their productivity and competitiveness. We have found that organisations are seeking technologies or advisory solutions to assist them with the following 8 main critical challenges:

1. Collecting, analyzing and understanding data on productivity improvement and using it to inform a tangible rise in productivity.

2. Technologies and tools to enhance productivity and competitiveness – there are many out there, and they make lots of promises, how do you use them effectively to achieve a real and tangible increase in productive output?

3. Change management challenges – taking whole organizations along for the productivity improvement ride – building an understanding of why change is needed and overcoming resistance to change.

4. Future ways of working – including freelance and contract labour, remote offices, virtual offices, hot desks, and new systems of collaboration and co-working

5. Encouraging productivity in employees - workplace performance incentives and measurement of employee performance through key performance indicators.

6. Using innovation as a driver of productivity and competitiveness – staying at the front of the pack.

7. “The Internet of Things” and harnessing opportunities for automation of routine and predictable tasks in productivity improvement.

8. Minimising administrative burden - allowing employees to have a stronger focus on their core tasks than the administrative side of their roles.

For speaking or sponsorship opportunities at the Australian Business Productivity and Innovation 2015 conference, please contact Oli Russell-Cowan on +61 (0)2 8188 7536 or email olir@questevents.com.au

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