Supporting bodies at the Agribusiness Outlook Australia 2015 conference

Agribusiness Association of Australia

The Agribusiness Association of Australia (AAA) meets a need for communication, knowledge exchange and network enhancement amongst a most important and resilient element that is the agribusiness sector. The AAA is recognised as one of a very few national member based, not-for-profit and non-political organisations that draws together a high level network of industry professionals in which to exchange ideas, share opinions and build business relationships all within the agribusiness space.

Australian Dairy Industry Council

The Australian Dairy Industry Council (ADIC) is the peak representative body for the Australian dairy industry.

Represents the mutual interests’ of dairy farmers and dairy processors, the ADIC respectively brings together the national representative bodies, Australian Dairy Farmers (ADF) and the Australian Dairy Products Federation (ADPF). This partnership is unique to Australian agriculture and allows for whole of value chain representation.

The ADIC has been instrumental in many whole of value chain projects, including the: Australian Dairy Industry Sustainability Framework; Australian Dairy Vision; and the national dairy advocacy effort towards achieving a pro-dairy China-Australia free trade agreement.

Dried Fruits Australia

For more than 100 years Dried Fruits Australia (DFA) has been the peak body for the dried fruits industry. Its membership includes both Australian growers and processors.

DFA lobbies on behalf of the industry, working to protect, promote and advance member's interests.

A major DFA objective is to lift profitability for all stakeholders. This is pursued through the initiation and management of research and development projects, marketing projects and the extension of latest results, encouraging adoption of best practice through an industry development officer and a range of communication tools.

DFA works to facilitate investment in the industry and raise the overall quality of Australian dried fruit production.

Grain Growers Limited

GrainGrowers is Australia’s only national, independent, member-based, financially sustainable, technically resourced, grain producer organisation.

Our Board  is elected by our 18 500+ members and consists of six growers and two non-grower members.

We pride ourselves on  maintaining a sustainable capital base of $100 million.

The Western Australian Farmers Federation

WAFarmers represents the voice of farmers throughout Western Australia and is continually working towards a more viable, profitable and sustainable future for the agricultural industry.

As part of this pursuit, WAFarmers develops corporate partnerships with companies who provide a service to WAFarmers members, which place money directly back into farmers pockets.

Founded in 1912, WAFarmers boasts a membership of over 4,200 farmers throughout Western Australia and continues to work directly with farmers on issues related to their on-farm business.

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