The Event

The global security environment in rapidly evolving and has serious implications for Australian businesses, governments, infrastructure owners and areas of mass gathering. Ensuring that all organisations are prepared for worst case physical and cyber security breaches is becoming an increasingly important priority to ensure business continuity, maintain confidence from the Australian people and ensure the safety of employees and customers.

The 2nd annual SECUREaustralia 2016 conference will bring together an elite group of business continuity, security and organisational resilience managers and a high level group of representatives from government organisations, police and international experts to share experiences, and strategies in a closed door event.

Why attend?

The forum will address the key challenges facing security professionals today:

  • Keeping up to date with the evolving threat environment and the challenges it brings
  • Improving public – private cooperation to achieve better security outcomes for all
  • Building cyber protection capabilities to detect and defend against cyber threats
  • Creating risk mitigating strategies to improve security for critical infrastructure
  • Developing a security culture and practices in an organisation in order to maximise resilience capabilities
  • Reducing safety and security risks by improving community engagement strategies
  • Addressing specific security approaches for complex mass gathering events and iconic buildings

"Excellent content, topics, speaker quality, relevance to the audience and this moment in time! Looking forward to next year!"
– NSW Regional Representative, AIPIO

Who will you meet?

Senior security advisors and executives from Australian government departments and agencies and the private sector. You will have the opportunity to network with key decision makers such as:

  • National government agencies responsible for national security and emergency/contingency planning
  • Police and Security Agencies
  • Emergency Services
  • Local Government
  • Chief Security Officers
  • Chief Information Security Officers
  • Chief Risk Officers
  • Chief Technology Officers
  • Business Continuity Managers
  • Emergency Response Managers
  • Facilities Managers – nuclear, power, oil and gas, chemicals, telecommunications, transport, banking and financial
  • IT, Cyber Security and Information Managers
  • Event Security Managers

If your business operates in an area of interest to these industries, then the 2nd annual SECUREaustralia 2016 conference provides you with an unparalleled platform. This event will offer a one-of-a-kind opportunity to build exclusive business relationships with some of the nation’s most powerful and influential security decision makers.

Position your brand as an authority in your sector – present on the program, sponsor a networking function or demonstrate in our showcase exhibition to improve your chances of beating your competition.

Call Jon Treherne on +61 (0)2 8188 7536 or email to discuss how we can put you in front of a highly engaged and receptive audience. 

You can also download the sponsorship prospectus here.

SECUREaustralia 2016