Thursday 3 March 2016
This one-day in-depth learning session will provide participants with the opportunity deepen their understanding of critical asset integrity and operational discipline elements and human factors to achieve improved safety performance.
Registration and morning coffee for the session is at 08:30 and it will conclude at 17:00. Lunch, morning and afternoon tea provided.
In-depth Learning Session
People behaviour and organisational leadership in process safety and asset integrity and operational discipline
This practical in-depth learning session will focus on establishing new protocols for process safety assurance and a process safety dialogue within your company. Those in attendance will be safety professionals and operational teams from the oil and gas sector in Australia who are looking for specialised knowledge on how to improve asset integrity and operational discipline. This session will also explore human factors risks and how to avoid them through neuroscience and psychology and cover why human behaviour and organisational leadership go hand in hand with improved safety programs. This session will provide participants with a holistic process safety cooperation between senior managers, safety professionals and operational teams within your organisation.
Key topics and takeaway skills/benefits:
- Identify process safety failure mechanisms, key vulnerabilities or weaknesses in operational control
- Target key aspects of process safety risk management and how to use this within your own company’s risk management program
- Key tips on presenting complex and technical information concisely and effectively
- Learn how to measure performance of complex risk management systems
- Assess your organisation’s HSE culture by measuring change and identifying strengths and weaknesses
- Learn how to overcome the challenges of inspiring leadership in process safety
Facilitators: Tony Pooley
Associate Professor
University of South Australia
and Board Member, NOPSEMA
Nada Wentzel
The Jonah Group