Did you know that 50 per cent of procurement professionals don’t trust their bosses to help them win promotions? No wonder most of us are going online to proactively manage our own careers!

Evidence of a divide has emerged between procurement professionals who are proactively seizing control of their career management, and others who are waiting for a promotion or big break that may never come. At Procurious, we’ve labelled the proactive group “Procurement’s Gen NEXT”.

This is not a generation defined by year of birth. On the contrary, it’s defined by a positive attitude that can be found across every age group, from Baby Boomers to Gen Z. The members of Gen NEXT are using a whole range of levers to supercharge their careers. From developing vital mentoring relationships, to building social media profiles that have eclipsed the importance of CVs, to seamlessly leveraging their professional networks to find a new role, to crowd-sourcing a solution to a procurement challenge, the members of Gen NEXT are collaborative, proactive and ambitious.

When Procurious put out the call for participants, we were delighted when 500+ professionals across more than 50 countries shared their insights and wisdom through the survey. The result? Confirmation of the ever-growing need for members of the profession to proactively manage their own careers – online – as the profession hurtles towards Industry 4.0.

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