Speakers at the GovProcure 2014 conference

Rob Ackland

Rob has extensive procurement and executive management experience in the public and private sectors. His procurement roles have involved him in; strategic procurement and project management, logistics & business process re-engineering and the implementation of procurement reform programs.
Rob is also responsible for dealing with the State Government regarding all procurement issues on behalf of the Local Government Association (LGA)
He has an MBA from the University of South Australia and is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
As the CEO of LGAProcurement his role is to identify opportunities for procurement collaboration across local government, provide strategic procurement services and support, and develop and manage large scale contracts for use by the 68 Councils in South Australia. This is a complex, demanding environment where sensitive handling of issues and having strong relationships are imperatives to getting the job done.
One of the highlights of Rob's first year of tenure was the introduction of the Procurement Roadmap program. This is a procurement reform service offered to Councils reviews spend and procurement efficiency and identifies opportunities for reform by individual Councils and collaboration between groups of Councils. The efficiency dividends for participants have been significant and generally over $1m per Council. The related collaborative opportunities have been piloted and reaped savings of around 20% and saw funds reinvested within their local communities. By the end of 2014 we anticipate that over 50% of South Australian Councils will have completed the Roadmap program and will be pursuing regional collaborative opportunities.

Keith Bird
General Manager, Commercial
Queensland Rail

Keith is a highly respected professional with diverse experience in public and private sectors across Australasia, Europe and the USA. His wealth of experience, from ground up to executive level spans over thirty years. He has held various senior leadership roles at a global level and across complex, cultural and strategic commercial portfolios including transportation sectors, shared services, wholesale, retail, distribution and supply chain management.

Keith was named 2013 Asia Pacific CPO of the year and has recently led his team to achieving two CIPSA awards.

Keith joined Queensland Rail in 2011 at a time of significant restructuring and has led numerous reform, efficiency and transformational initiatives. He has a reputation as an innovative leader who enjoys being involved in industry mentoring and working with cross functional teams to deliver sustainable bottom line results.

“We are all focused on delivering savings, while driving efficiency and effectiveness in our organisation. Attending the conference will provide a great opportunity for all of us to share our strategies, opportunities, challenges and use the wisdom of the collective group to develop sustainable solutions”

Mike Blanchard
Chief Procurement Officer
Sydney Trains

Mike, General Manager (CPO) heads up Procurement within Sydney Trains running the Strategic Procurement Group within the finance, IT and Corporate Services directorate. He is responsible for Managing the spend ($1.7BN AUD) through enabling valued business outcomes via cost effective supplier solutions. His Team of 66 delivers direct categories to all stakeholders and is also for managing the interface with Transport Shared Services who deliver the indirect categories for Sydney Trains in an outsourced model.

Mike is the Process Owner for Procurement for Transport NSW in the delivery of the new SAP environment and is a member of the Global Practice Advisory Board for Public Sector Procurement for CIPS.

Prior to this role Mike headed up Procurement within Transpower NZ ( The National Grid )  running there Sourcing, Supply and Contracts Group (SSC) Responsible for over $3.8b NZD of infrastructure spend managing the cradle to the grave elements of for all of the National Grid and IT Procurement and Supply chain. Mike originally has a Telecoms and IT background with previous roles as Managing Director (APAC) of a UK software company TeleWare, Commercial Manager for Gen-I (a Telecom NZ company) and Various General Management, Sales, Marketing and Technical Management roles with Ericsson around the world.

Mike is always looking to assist organisations that understand the need for growth or are looking to build and divest, but have not necessarily developed a strategy and/or able to translate it into delivery. He understands the bottom line having P&L responsibility for small startups and large Corporates

“I can translate concept and theory through innovative thinking into clear and decisive plans resulting in short and long-term organisational success”

Mikes passions outside the work environment are Rugby, Art, and his family and he also spends some of his time Coaching and Mentoring graduates to executive level.

“There is nothing more satisfying than watching people grow and achieving success that at times surprises all”

" Public Sector Procurement is challenged  as countries and governments restle with the competing prorities of delivering cost savings and effciences whilst extending the level of service delivery. To be informed of is imperitive when tasked with delivery of these objectives"

Michael Byrne
Chief Procurement Officer
Brisbane City Council

Michael has been CPO for Brisbane City Council for the past seven years.  He has led the transformation of procurement to a full centralised function.

Prior to being CPO Michael was the Contracts and Risk Manager for Council which led procurement governance and wider strategic risk management.
Michael’s career includes periods as executive in audit and internal consulting, plus extensive experience in Corporate Planning.
Michael has worked in Local Government, electricity and banking industries over a long career spanning 45 years.

Alba Chliakhtine
Director Procurement
Health Purchasing Victoria

Alba’s procurement career spans a wide range of industries including technology, aerospace, manufacturing, financial services and online sourcing services.

She has held a number of senior management roles in procurement and operations where she was responsible for warehousing, procurement, customs and shipping. In her procurement career, Alba led the successful development of diverse procurement and supply strategies encompassing a broad range of supply categories. In addition, Alba’s work also extends to supporting not-for-profit organisations in the culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) sector.

Dirk Correll
Manager Strategic Sourcing
NSW Department of Family and Community Services

20 years Procurement experience, both in Australia and abroad, Dirk has worked for the top IT and telecommunication companies, as well as the Victorian and NSW State Government. Currently the Manager Strategic Sourcing for the NSW Department of Family and Community Services transitioning from a traditional large procurement team to a lean model, utilising the business owners and engaging temporary resource solutions to manage the end-to-end Procurement process.

"Why not source “Sourcing as a Service”! Resource on demand, secure the best talent, manage by KPIs and outcome, and maximise value for money. Focus on where real procurement value lies, in managing the category and the relationships, and satisfying your customers."

Phillip Dagnall
Procurement and Contracts Coordinator
G20 Taskforce
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet

Phill has extensive experience as a Procurement / Supply Chain professional in various industry sectors including Information and Communication Technology; Health and Community Services, Urban Precinct, Facilities Management and Operations; Transport; Logistics and Commercial Business environments for government, private and not-for-profit organisations.   Phill has worked in Australia and UK and has a deep understanding that effective procurmeent process as well as stratgeic procurement lifecycle management, performance and capability can "value add" to any organisation.  Phill is currently a Senior Consultant with Project Procure, a small procurement specific boutique consultancy, operating out of Brisbane and Sydney, providing hands-on support to assist organisations in establishing recognition, respect and appreciation for procurement functions through developing capability, designing strategy and delivering projects.

Phill has a Graduate Certificate in Procurement and Supply Chain Management from the UK via competency based learning, and  an MBA from the University of Queensland, where he has guest lectured on International Supply Chain Management and Service Operations Management.  Phill was a finalist in the Queensland Supply Chain Association Industry Excellence award 2013 and was Highly Commended for the same award at the Australian Supply Chain and Logistics Awards ceremony in the same year.  He is also a committee member to the Supply Chain Logistics Association Australia (SCLAA), and is very active in promoting the industry to younger procurement and supply chain professionals through the Future Leaders Group and the mentoring program established by the SCLAA.

Matthew Durrant
Director Technology Sourcing and Management
Australian Customs and Border Protection Service

Matthew has over 17 years’ experience in Commonwealth ICT procurement, particularly in large and complex IT managed services outsourcing deals (including multi-agency contracts). In that time he has helped various Commonwealth agencies and private sector providers achieve mutually beneficial outcomes at all stages of the procurement and contract lifecycle. Matthew has worked in a variety of procurement and contract management roles in the public and private sectors, and currently leads the team handling the $60+m per annum spend on ICT suppliers for the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service.

“The evolution of Shared Services arrangements is a topic that every procurement professional should inform themselves about before their organisation considers it as an option.”

Jonathan Dutton
JD Consultancy

Jonathon Dutton was the founding Managing Director of CIPS Australasia for over eight years up until February 2013. He was responsible for all aspects of CIPS activities as the global peak body for professional procurement & supply management in the region. He represented the profession and its standards to the highest levels of business and government. As a former qualified procurement manager himself, as well as sales manager turned marketing director, Jonathan can easily draw on experiences from both sides of the negotiating table. Jonathan has worked in senior positions for British Airways, QANTAS, Regus & CHUBB, and is a fellow of four institutes covering procurement, marketing, management and the royal society of arts. He is also a graduate diploma member of the institute of company directors, and has a degree in economics with accountancy and business law.

Jonathan is married with two young children and lives in Melbourne, and can be reached easily through LINKED IN or his website.


Elizabeth Giugno
Chief Procurement Officer 
Office of Environment and Heritage I Department of Premier and Cabinet

Elizabeth is currently the Chief Procurement Officer at the Office of Environment and Heritage, NSW Government, where she recently attained accreditation by transforming the procurement function from greenfield to fully operational centre-led model within 10 months.  During the last 20 years Elizabeth has held senior procurement positions with global multinationals including IBM, UBS Investment Bank, British Telecom and American Express, where she was seconded to India for a year to transform procurement operations.  She has extensive breadth and depth of procurement expertise including Category, Contract and Supplier Management, Strategic Sourcing, Strategy formulation, Policy development, Governance, Organisational Restructuring, Capability Development and eProcurement.  As a consultant with KPMG in England and Australia she was involved in a number of client procurement and supply chain transformation programmes, as well as having her own consulting business for a number of years, with a focus on strategic planning, business transformation, program delivery and procurement lifecycle management.  

Elizabeth is co-founder of “Procurement and Supply Chain Innovation Café”, a peer-led informal networking forum, bringing together industry experts, entrepreneurs and thought-leaders to discuss challenging issues and innovative ideas and solutions.  Elizabeth has a Masters degree in Business and Technology from the University of New South Wales.

“You should attend this conference if you are currently facing procurement challenges or in the process of developing your procurement strategy.  It’s a great opportunity to expand your knowledge, share in lessons learnt and connect with your peers”

Allison Grierson
Acting Chief Procurement Officer, Strategic Procurement and Contracting
Department of Health

Previous positions

  • Managing Director – private business
  • Director, Systems and Performance (Acute Care, DOH)
  • Director, Quality and Performance (DOH)
  • Director, Acute and Specialist Care (Acute Care, DOH)

Previously a range of management positions including Nurse Manager, Critical Care Division and Business Manager, Critical Care Division at Royal Perth Hospital.

Allison is currently working on major reform activities in the NT Department of Health throughout the supply chain encompassing eProcurement.

Robyn Hardy
University of Canberra

Robyn retired in 2011 from her role heading up ACT Government Shared Services Procurement, then a division of the ACT Treasury Directorate, responsible for the majority of tendering and contracts for ACT Government goods, services and infrastructure procurements. She has had a long and varied career in the public service, both in the Commonwealth and the ACT Governments.

Robyn is currently lecturing in construction procurement and contract administration with the School of Building and Construction Management at the University of Canberra. She also teaches sustainable procurement as part of the Masters in Management program at the University.
Robyn is also lecturing in a number of executive short courses at the Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University, including Writing Policy and Budgeting for Policy. She is also a Director of ACTTAB, an ACT Government Business Enterprise.
Robyn was appointed an Adjunct Professor at the University of Canberra in 2013.

Jim Hilaris
Chief Procurement Officer
Australia Post

Jim Hilaris joined Australia Post in 2011 and has played a key leadership role in the transformation of Australia Post’s Procurement function. His achievements included the delivery of  significant capability uplift, category savings and commercial support for the organisation’s capital investment program.

Mr Hilaris has a proven track record of delivering positive outcomes across both revenue and cost lines in Financial Services, Manufacturing and Logistics. Prior to joining Australia Post, he held various senior distribution and finance roles at companies including National Australia Bank (NAB), MLC and Exxon Mobil.

“The status quo is not an option: Procurement teams must adapt and change to remain relevant and add value.”

Geoff Holden
Director of Procurement Strategy
WA Department of Training and Workforce Development

Geoff Holden is the Director of Procurement Strategy at the Western Australian Department of Training and Workforce Development.  His experience includes a wide range of procurements spanning training delivery, disability services, consultancies, IT projects, and across government initiatives.

Prior to joining the Department, Geoff was a senior procurement manager with the Disability Services Commission, where he was instrumental in developing new procurement solutions that gave the citizen more control over their supports.  He was also instrumental in market development initiatives such as the creation of the inaugural Disability Industry Plan which was a finalist for the Premier's Award and blueprint for other states and sectors.

John Ivil
General Manager Government Procurement
New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment

John Ivil has been employed at the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (MBIE) - previously the Ministry of Economic Development - since November 2009 within the Government Procurement Branch.

John is the General Manager, Government Procurement and is responsible for New Zealand Government procurement policy, capability and capacity development, collaborative procurement (including all-of-government contracts) and the establishment of a commercial pool of procurement resources to assist government agencies.

Prior to commencing work at the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment, John was employed at the Ministry of Health and in the New Zealand Defence Force. John served 26 years in the NZDF both in New Zealand and overseas, the majority of that time in uniform as a logistics officer. John has served in diverse locations such as the Sinai Peninsula, Angola and Canberra.

John holds a Master’s Degree in Management Studies from the University of NSW, majoring in Project Management.  John is keen on developing staff in the procurement profession. Outside of work he enjoys sport and spending time with family.

“What are the options after the initial wave of ‘procurement reform’ Come and listen to how NZ has kept the momentum going”

Alastair Merrill
Chief Procurement Officer
The Scottish Government

Alastair is the Scottish Government’s Chief Procurement Officer & Commercial Director, leading the transformation of public procurement in Scotland to deliver greater efficiency and value for money, promote innovation, and support Scotland’s economic recovery.  Alastair’s career has covered a wide range of public sector, commercial and international roles, including time as a UN peacekeeper and as private secretary to NATO’s Secretary General.  He has been a Senior Civil Servant with the Scottish Government since 2001, and before taking up his present post in 2009 was Corporate Services Director in the Scottish Prison Service.

Colm Mooney
Director, Health Infrastructure, Procurement and Capital Works
Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate | ACT Government

Colm Mooney is the Director of Procurement for the ACT Government’s $1B+ Health Infrastructure Program. Colm provides leadership, strategy and direction for a growing team of Engineering and Architectural project managers

Prior to joining the ACT Public Service in 2011 Colm acquired over 21 years global manufacturing, project management & general management experience in the Automotive, Electronic  Manufacturing Services (EMS) and Commercial fit out sectors.

A Chartered Mechanical Engineer (CEng IMechE) Colm graduated from University College Dublin School of Engineering in 1990 and completed his Durham University MBA in 1997.

Brian O'Mara
General Manager
Local Government Procurement

Brian had a 20 year State Government career in Western Australian before resigning to foolishly embark on a career in hospitality. That 18 month nightmare forged the start of a passion in supply management and business improvement.
Thereafter, for 6 years Brian worked with an International organisation as a “cost management” consultant, working with many of Australia’s largest corporate companies.
Brian consulted to a number of large councils in WA that led to him being appointed to a medium sized council requiring significant assistance with their procurement issues. From there an opportunity to work with the WA Local Government Association as their Commercial Services Manager arose.
Brian joined and established Local Government Procurement as General Manager in May 2006 and is blessed to work with a very competent and diligent team dedicated to assisting councils.

“ The content of the GovProcure 2014 Conference will meet the needs of procurement professionals at all levels. I am impressed with the varied topics and variety of speakers from all walks of life. A must attend event.”

Jag Rewal
Director, Whole of Government ICT Procurement
Department of State Development and Business Innovation, Victoria

Jag Rewal is the recetly appointed ICT Procurement Director with Department of State Development, Business and Innovation (DSDBI) responsible for looking after Whole of Government initiatives. Jag has extensive and diversified ICT procurement experience in a range of industries including information technology, consulting, automotive, financial services and mining & resources.  Jag took over the role with DSDBI in March 2014.

Jag has been responsible for establishing Global ICT procurement functions as part of senior leadership roles for companies including BHP Billiton, Standard Chartered Bank and IBM. He has extensive hands-on experience in all aspects of ICT Sourcing – Hardware, Software, Services and Outsourcing. His knowledge of the global, and in particular the Asia Pacific market place, is exhaustive.

Jag has a particular interest in Software Asset Management as this is a major area of exposure for many organisations and can generate significant procurement advantages if administered properly.  Jag is the first person in Australia to be Certified in Standards Based SAM Professional (CSS(P)) by The Software Business Alliance.

Tania Scott
Procurement Category Manager Finance and Commercial Services

Tania Scott joined Stanwell Corporation 14 years ago as a contract specialist within Procurement and now heads a team responsible for the category management of an annual addressable spend of $700 million.  She has an active interest in the use of technology in the contracting lifecycle which has resulted in her involvement with the implementation of Stanwell's ERP system and  being Project Manager for, and custodian of, the Open Windows Contracts products used at Stanwell since 2003. While studying in the United Kingdom, Tania undertook a detailed review on the applicability of e-Commerce practices for the Royal Air Force’s Maintenance Organisation.

Prior to joining Stanwell, Tania was a Logistics Officer in the RAAF working in such diverse roles as transportation, exercise logistics as well as contracting for complex major projects within the Defence Materiel Organisation.
Tania holds a degree in Business, and Masters Degrees in both Science (Supply Chain and Logistics Management from Cranfield in the United Kingdom) and Applied Law (from the University of Queensland)

Ben Smith
Contestibility and Strategic Procurement Projects

Queensland Department of Health

A procurement and contracts specialist, Ben Smith's wealth of experience spans both the public and private sectors, working internationally and domestically for over 15 years in this specialty.

Ben is currently assisting Queensland Department of Health on Contestability and Strategic Procurement Projects. Ben has primary leadership over development of the pre-award sourcing strategies for these projects, managing a team of strategic procurement advisors. Demand, supplier and options analyses are all part of this process leading to sourcing strategy development and implementation. 

George Tomlins
Executive Director
Procurement and Capital Works
Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate

George Tomlins currently manages Procurement and Capital Works in the Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate, an organisation of about 140 people with responsibility for $1 billion of goods and services procurement annually and a capital works budget of $2.5 billion for the next four years.  His focus is on continually improving strategic purchasing and matching procurement and delivery mechanisms to projects and ensuring the most appropriate modern contracts are being used.

He has previously occupied key executive leadership roles in major taskforces including those established to guide the bushfire recovery and implement the ACT component of the Commonwealth stimulus package.  He has qualifications in civil engineering, urban and regional planning and public administration.

Justin Untersteiner
Head of Procurement
Australian Tax Office

As the Assistant Commissioner, Procure2Pay Solutions, Justin is accountable for the integrity of procurement, contracts and accounts on behalf of the organisation. ATO procurement represents of $1b of spend per annum, and requires oversight of complex contracts, which can span over a 15 year period. Justin is also responsible for improving and enhancing contract management capability across the ATO and contributing to cost and efficiency savings.

Previous roles include strategic purchasing and contact management for property related activity, including driving significant infrastructure projects in the ATO. Prior to that Justin grew up in the retail/sales industry working with Woolworths and Cadbury Schweppes over a 10 year period.

Michael West
NSW Indigenous Chamber of Commerce

Michael is a proud Gamilaroi descendant from Moree, Mungindi and Texas, born and raised in Sydney. He has worked over 10 years in community organisations, 20 years in state & federal government, fields of analytics, projects, compliance and information communications technology. He has his own consultancy "Guwaali" focused on a productive society through inclusion, diversity, culture, respect, education and collaboration. He is currently a Director on NSW Indigenous Chamber of Commerce, Director on Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN), Member on the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Advisory Group for Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA), was an Inaugural Delegate of the National Congress of Australia's First Peoples, former Co-chair National Sorry Day Committee (NSDC) and is a member of the Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council.

His passion is helping build capacity and economic independence in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, businesses and organisations through respect, trust, education, relationships and partnerships while retaining and strengthening culture.

Michael is also an artist/educator and creates Message Sticks with fellow Aboriginal artist/educator Graham Toomey, to not only continued practice of culture, but for education and in the spirit of friendship.
Thirty Message Sticks were created as catalysts for cultural discussion and reinforcing culture for the 2012 World Indigenous Business Forum, where twenty were gifted to International Indigenous speakers from 10 countries.

Message Sticks have also been gifted to: Business Council of Australia (BCA), Dame Marie Bashir, Australian Federal Court’s Chief Justice Alsop’s at his swearing in ceremony, TEDx Sydney, 25th Human Rights Awards, Federal Circuit Court’s Inaugural Ceremonial Sitting, Sydney Swans at their 2012 Victory parade, Queen Elizabeth for her Diamond Jubilee, Chief of Navy at the 2013 International Fleet Review and 2012 Olympic Team at their Sydney Home Coming Parade.

Lisa Williams
Chief Procurement Officer 
Public Transport Victoria

Alan Osborne
Executive Director
PSI Asia Pacific Pty Ltd

Alan Osborne has been working in the procurement field at the Federal and State level since 1989, and has been one of the owners of PSI Asia Pacific Pty Ltd since 1998.  From a tertiary education in procurement systems and procedures, Alan has been primarily assisting government in the conduct of complex procurements across most government sectors, including Health, Finance, Social Services, Infrastructure, Defence, Immigration, Customs, Aid, Foreign Affairs, and Veterans’ Affairs.  In that time his well-developed contract and project management expertise has offered clients broad strategic and operational guidance concerning procurement, and all aspects of undertaking projects within a framework of the highest level of probity.  Amongst other projects within Australian, Alan is currently working as the probity adviser to the new Royal Adelaide Hospital project.  His probity guidance has considerable strategic depth due to his skills in requirement definition, procurement analysis, planning and execution, risk assessment and mitigation, business process analysis, governance, program review and performance frameworks.  His credentials are reflected in his membership of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply and the Institute of Management Consultants.  He is also a Certified Management Consultant (CMC) and CMC Assessor.

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